Fibrizer Tips (Zuper Tips)

Fibrizer Tips (Zuper Tips) for Sugar Mills
Sand (silica) and other abrasive materials harvested with sugarcane causes severe wear on shredder/ fibrizor hammers. Replacing these hard facing parts with Fibrizer Tips (Zuper Blocks) can substantially reduce wear, giving considerable savings in down time and lost production.
Features and Application of Fibrizer Tips (Zuper Tips) in the Sugar Industry
• Made of composite consisting of complex carbides in a metallic matrix (hence Fibrizer Tips are also known as Carbide Tips)
• Metallurgically bonded to a mild steel backing plate
• Carbides have a minimum hardness of 770 Hv and contain carbides up to 1500 Hv
• Extremely strong abrasion resistant
• Special grade welding for adding extra strength
• Corrosion resistant
• Adheres to international standards
Attachments for Fibrizer Tips (Zuper Tips) used for Sugar Manufacturing
• Sugar mill knife chopper, cutter, leveler and mincer attachments
• Available in various sizes
• Variants with Double “V” Edge and Flat Edge welded to the knife body shanks are also available
Fibrizer Tips (Zuper Tips) from Aries Export Pvt. Ltd. are the most cost-effective and quick method of knife body protection.